Burned Tree Removal
Burned Tree Removal
Many California ecosystems are adapted to periodic fire, and will naturally recover after experiencing a burn. Native trees and shrubs may resprout from branches and bases, even when they appear burned. Many species of oak trees have thick bark that helps protect the vital parts of the tree from fire damage. Even completely burned vegetation can offer habitat and cover to wildlife, and roots that help hold soil in place. In many cases, simply letting nature take its course is the best approach to post-fire ecosystem recovery.
The California Native Plant Society's (CNPS) Fire Recovery Guide provides in-depth information regarding post-fire tree care and recovery, soil erosion control, and native plant recovery.
Trees that pose a health and safety hazard, or that private landowners otherwise desire to remove, should be assessed by a certified arborist or Registered Professional Forester (RPF).
The USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides on-site technical assistance for privately-owned forested properties related to erosion control, debris removal, and/or replanting. HBMWD is working with NRCS to determine the most beneficial way forward for vegetation removal and re-vegetation. Additional information will be provided to Lease Lot holders as it is developed. Thank you for your patience. We will recover together.